Von Magnet

The cesspool of cinematography opened once again by Jan ‘Mr.
Von Magnet gives a concert performance on Saturday, September 6th at the BUTFF festival.
Black Friday

Black Friday Black Metal


Machinery (NL)
The Exploding Potatoes

The Exploding Potatoes zijn een uit Amsterdam en Breda afkomstige band bestaande uit Chris, Doc Sepp & Mad Fueling.
Free 'teaser' performance by Von Magnet with special guest.
Live Concert: Von Magnet
ticket incl. Locals collective dans party after the concert
A form of music that developed from Trash Metal styles mid 80s.
BUTFF-TANZT! Onguur DJ's Cyclus, Ward (& Von Magnet).

Live music & Underground Techno @ BUTFF
Von Magnet (FR)
Von Magnet gives a concert performance on Saturday, September 6th.
Thursday September 4th, a freely accessible Von Magnet 'teaser' performance at the festival square.
Since 1985 these musical nomads deliver passionate electro flamenco music of no equal. In the beginning, they conquered the alternative dance floors with a catchy blend of flamenco, electro, avant-garde and gothic. "Magnetism" they call their eclectic musical style.
With their twelfth album Archipielagos they incorporate both old and new influences. Electro and mutated flamenco combined with Arabic influences, industrial, neo classical, dance, IDM and techno music. There larger roles for the female singers, who like the hammer vocals Phil Vongrab you by the throat. It's theatrical, dark and worldly, comprising into bloodcurdling beautiful gothic and experimental music, that knows how to magnetize in an extremely exciting way.
Von Magnet is an essential band without equals. Von Magnet's Archipielagos one of the best albums of last year. A masterpiece! Von Magnet live may be the most remarkable spectacle this year in Breda.