The cesspool of cinematography opened once again by Jan ‘Mr. Horror’ Doense en Jan ‘MaxRockatansky’ Verheyen, they dug in and grabed and collected the most bizarre! You can expect the best clips of the worst, weirdest and shameful pieces that world cinema has on offer! Jan Doense en Jan Verheyen did their best finding the gems of absolute distaste from the deepest, darkest depths of film entertainment. Ranging from Z-films to exploitation, from humor to horror, it’s all in there! Have a distasteful night!
Jan ‘Max Rockatansky’ Verheyen is going to present Nacht van Wansmaak at BUTFF!!!
Von Magnet gives a concert performance on Saturday, September 6th at the BUTFF festival.
Black Friday

Black Friday Black Metal
Von Magnet

Von Magnet (FR)
Von Magnet gives a concert performance on Saturday, September 6th.
Free 'teaser' performance by Von Magnet with special guest.