A stage for 'unexpected' and unannounced artists. This part we have dusted off again out of the box of past festivals. Originating from 2010 where we created this opportunity for poets, performers, musicians to express themselves informally at BUTFF.
Assignment then and now is make your own 'voice box', your own 1m2 stage. Danny van der Laan and Peter Lauwerijssen where among the first actually performing on this platform. See photos.
Van der Laan has already built complete oeuvre with his appearnces at BUTFF.
Already signed up for this year: Theo Huijgens and Sacha poets from Rotterdam en Breda. Who of you thereabout follows ......?
Saturday September 6th between 13:00 and 18:00, you have the chance to make your own short performance on the square in front of the audience. An experiment with poetry and performances in every sense you can Imagen.
3 times 3 poets on the 1m2 stage
Performing Sunday, September 7th, Joe Kisser, alias Jeroen Kuster, Mad DJ and a enigmatic visua
Von Magnet gives a concert performance on Saturday, September 6th at the BUTFF festival.

Live Concert Machineman;