Can you introduce yourself?
My name is Lukas Bulava ( 33 years old ) and i am an independent filmmaker from Czech Republic ( Karvina city, OKR streets represent baby)
How did you start out making movies?
This beautiful chapter has begun in childhood.
I grew up on old school horror vhs and creatures from covers of metal bands. So, I had a lots of
inspirations from this era and still have. I always wanted to make some movie on my own and
represent this golden time. Just touch this time again. I didn't realize at that time, how difficult it
can be even to make a short film, or something with motion pictures. Without PC, camera and any knowledge. I didn't go to any film school and I didn ́t know anyone who wants to make some crazy videos. So I started filming around like many others. Lovely summer day 2007 on the water. Having fun with friends and I've noticed that someone had a camera....and here we go.
It was my opportunity, hehe. And since then I literally mesmerized around filming and I'm very
happy for that.
What can you tell me about Karbon?
Karbon is a very different picture from everything I've ever made. This is not classic storyline.
This is my sixth project and actually the second feature movie what I made.
Karbon tells a story about people that live in a mining colony which is imposed with curse of coal
magic. It's a view into the interior of the depressed man which threatens the redemption of the
house at the expense of coal mining. It's actually a film that partly shows the situation in my town.
We live here surrounded by coal mines. Almost like in town (Valentine Bluffs ) from My bloody
We were filming in the historic parts of the city where you can feel the spirit of the past. That was
the idea. It was one of the important things about Karbon. Show places where people have never been..
How was it for you to get selected for the BUT Film Festival?
Oh man. Film Festival like BUT is exactly the place how to be introduced people who share the
same enthusiasm. This is the right way and I am very happy that my work is a part of it. I did not
want to Karbon being screened only in the Czech. That's for sure. I follow your festival for some
time and I really like it what style you're doing. I sent Karbon to your address because I knew that I was doing the right thing.Youtube or some screen in local bar is fun, but film festival is is much more representative.
What kind of responses did you get at previous screenings?
Well,we had with Karbon sold out local cinema. I was very surprised. And you know...some
people understood absolutely nothing. They propably never seen some art film before. But it
is to be expected .I appreciated a lot of opinions from other people who told me that they liked
how I played with the idea. In other cities, it was almost the same. Except, of course, audience
What can you tell me about previous projects?
It was a nice natural evolution.....
We started with a small camera and it did not matter how it all turns out.
Each film or videoclip really kicked me to the next. In every movie I try to present a piece of my
favorite films like Never too young to die, Neon Maniacs, Moving Violations, Zombi Holocaust.
That is what I do. I must say that I work with the same people for almost four years. We are called “Horrorwatch” I am always saying, that we are almost like a band. We have always fun and good time and that's exactly why we do it. Our first feature film was “ Šest prstů v Zeleném” 2012 ( Six fingers in green ) It was a honour to classic italian giallo films. Premiere was at local rock club Hard Cafe. Second feature film was Oči starého Kostelníka - 2012 ( Eyes of the old Sexton ) and we had the first premiere on the big screen and now sold out. Lovely moments.
Before all this, I made a couple of short films which you can see on youtube. Also impressions of Argento and Fulci. Yeah, I love it !
What will your next project be?
Good questions. Currently we are preparing to shoot a free sequel of Six fingers in Green called
Not now, Peaches. It will be a crime / comedy then giallo... but, of course there will be some nice
moments for horror fans The same crew, same city and a lot of unpredictable events. Can’t wait.
Karbon official FCB page : https://www.facebook.com/Karbonfilm
My youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/Horrorwatch
Contakt : patektrinacteho@post.cz