Zaterdag 21 maart is het weer zover; IMAGICON de ontmoetingsplek voor alle fans van SF, Fantasy, Horror en Comics.
Tijdens deze conventie zal ook IDFX met haar BUT Film Festival aanwezig zijn.
In zaal KERNHEM 4 worden shorts vertoond in de genres Horror, Science Fiction en Fantasy. 3 blokken BUTFF shorts.:
Coldstar (7m03s) - Swimmingpool party?
Apocalypse, The (5m45s) - Don't think, please
T is for Trash (4m51s) - Beautiful Rose
Oscuridad Blanca (15m) - Zombies!
Sinus (6m15s) - Dark crossover between a comic and animation
Las Palmas (13m13s) - -A baby and a pub
Fist of Jesus (14m43s) - Holy splatterfest
Meaning Of Robots, The (3m58s) - Toys, but not for kids (documentary)
Bear (10m40s) - Birthday surprise!
The Clumtwins (2m37s) - Freaks! (animation)
Flytopia (19m54s) - Invasion of the flies
Biznaga Depredador (2m41s) - My Bloody TellSell
Biznaga Depredador (2m41s) - My Bloody TellSell
Shitcom (1m) - Title Sais It All! (animation)
Campo de Fuerza (1m48s) - My Own Private Force Field
Le Reverant (7m50s) - Death Is No Match For Him!
An Alien Claymation (3m55s) - Aliens and Microwaves (claymation)
Split (17m43s) - Cronenberg Eat Your Heart Out
The Carriage (15m2s) - The Real Dracula
Recently In The Woods (1m3s) - Whoever Laughs Last (animation)