Vertoning: Shorts# 7: Route, Oscuridad Blanca, Caravan

Vertoning: Shorts #3: Splitting the First Rat
Le Revenant - Victor Druillet en Norman Bosse-Platière: Death Is No Match For Him!
An Alien Claymation - Lee Hardcastle: Aliens & Microwaves (claymation)
Split - Andy Stewart: Cronenberg, Eat Your Heart Out!
BIZNAGA – Depredador - David Iñurrieta: My Bloody Tell Sell
Dring of the Dead - Gael Pouvreau en Mathieu Auvray: Zombies Love the Violin
Trusts en Estates - Jeanette Bonds: A Live Taped Conversation (animation)
Rat Pack Rat - Todd Rohal: Sammy Davis Jr. on Sick Call
First Love - James Hartley: A Coarse Beaked Boy’s Heartbreak
Lady and the Tooth - Shaun Clark: A Toothy Animation
Bobo Frituras - Felipe Gómez-Ullate: The Fries Avenger
Supine: A Dream - Lyon Forrest Hill: A Beautifully Creepy Animation