Shorts #4: Women in Control


Shorts #4: Women in Control (91 min)

Blaise - Chris Whitehead : Who Are Worse: Zombie or Men?
She-Wolf of the Woods - Adriana Polito: She’ll huff, puff… and blow you.
Metamorphose - Sergio Morcillo: Gory Female Revenge
Vinko - Hrvoje Podobnik: Are You Sure, Bully?

Women are the boss! Or not? Evidence comes in three short films. In She-Wolf of the Woods violent modern wood nymph wanders Scotland looking for potential male victims. In Blaise a pregnant woman flees from bloodthirsty zombies, ending up with a mad group of survivors. And in Vinco  a farmer's lad has a hard time when he is being bullied by aggressive bikers. Fortunately, he is rescued by a girl in red, that lives in the forest with her strange grandmother. But are they really that well-meaning?