La Mujer de Iván

Who'd be waiting for a Golden Palm, or some Oscar Statuette, when you could acyualy go home with
Air No. 3

Air No. 3 (2013)
Benjamin Czycholl, DEU, 93 min, Duits, EN subs

Omnia (2014)
Helmut Brandl, DEU, 120 min, Duits, EN subs
Sonno Profondo

Sonno Profondo (2013)
Luciano Onetti, ARG, 67 min, Italiaans, EN subs
The Miracle of Life

The Miracle of Life (2013)
Joël Rabijns, Yves Sondermeier, BEL, 84 min, English, no subs
La Mujer de Iván (2011)
Francisca Silva, CHL, 89 min, Spaans, EN subs
Natalia is from her childhood trapped in Ivan's House. Despite the repressive regime in which they live there is a daily family life emerge. When her sexuality awakens, it weakens the power of Ivan. The house becomes an amoral battlefield with struggles of love for freedom.