A nice mess, that’s the first impression when you take a look at the Nieuwe Veste square. That sounds a little bit politically correct, because it’s just a mess - but hey, there’s already nice atmosphere here. It’s the fifth year I’m present while the festival is set up and it never goes as planned.
Now you could think that’s not a good thing, but it actually is. With boss chaos, aka Adriaan aka BUT-Man running around, putting all volunteers to work you can expect yourself being re-located while working, but all for a good cause of course!
Artists are putting up their artwork with the volunteers, the BUT TV team is setting up the studio and the director of the festival is already talking about putting the guests of the film festival to work!
The festival square layout has been changed this year. I’m now sitting on the Large Popmerchandising terrace and behind me is the Schelde brouwerij (Schelde Brewery) bar. The shop is bigger, there a sandwich bar for some sandwiches and coffee but all the usual parts are here as well: works of art on the square, the big banner on the wall of the Nieuwe Veste and the BUT TV corner.
Amidst all this chaos I found a peaceful place with my laptop - well, peaceful… Here too I am at work, going through the last pieces of work before it all starts.
Because if it wasn’t clear already: BUT Film Festival 2014 is about to start and we all know what that means: 5 days of film, drinks, good times, madness and chaos, good chaos!
Frank on behalf of topoftheflops.nl
It’s half past 3 and there’s a lot of fuss at the square of the Nieuwe Veste. Tents have been raised, but that put aside it is still a nice mess. Will all be ready for the grand opening of the BUT Film Festival? Because tonight the festival starts with opening film ‘2013 Menos 1’ and a performance of Machine Man.
All the volunteers are hard at work to get everything ready and the tents are slowly filled with merchandise, food and drinks. The layout of the square is a little different from last year but what hasn’t changed is the always good and chaotic atmosphere with the possibility to relax a little while having a bite and drink at the terrace.
And when all is set up, everybody will be able to sit back, relax and enjoy a limited edition beer, especially made for the festival: LoBUTomy beer. So be ready to feast your eyes, taste buds AND brains on this year’s edition of the BUT Film Festival!
Niek on behalf of Slashingthrough.com