Low-budget special effects for Dummies!
Watching movie and especially B-Movies can inspire to making ones own productions, here's some video help towards your own successfull Body horror shocker like 'The Miracle of Life' shown at BUTFF 2014
Before youractors are having a go at each other with real knifes of before cross-breeding two wild animals to create a monster, we'd better show you an alternative, cheap and most of all safe way to making a body horror film.
The ingredients of a body horror movie:
A tension cutting knife fight !
Gallons of blood, the more deeper red the better!
Mutilated or melted faces! * slurppp*
Body parts flying around !
Some great shouting technique!
Ah het brein. De zetel van ons verstand en emoties. Maar wacht eens even?
The simple answer would be, not an A-movie. For a detailed answer let us plunge into movie histo
Trash cinema is a derogatory term that film critics "officially" adopted when naming the B-movies