At the BUT Film Festival it is not very wise to start about an after party let alone starting about an after afterparty... The opening of of BUTFF was heavy as usual. After the opening speech of festival director Paul Hagenaars we got a performance of Yes...PinkPink and of course the opening movie “2013 Menos 1”. Vitor Baumgratz, the director of the opening film travelled all the way from Brazil to enjoy all of this. The film was a success but the afterparty was even more successful. Machine Man closes the night musically but it doesn’t stop there. Being a programmer you get to know all the guests and you get in touch with them. Martin Faltermeier, head of jury en director of “Zombies from Outer Space” knows this and also looks for us.
Now I can tell a story about what an easy, well-behaved night it was with deep conversations but that’s not all true. Beer went down easily, and also the cheap Jägermeister went down well.
After closing the festival square there was an afterparty at the place of the film festival director and we fell for the taste of juice mixed with Jägermeister.
To be honest, the second day started a little slower than I hoped for, probably because of all the drinks we had. But the second day is going great and BUT TV is doing their first interviews and reports. Highlight is of course de Nacht van de Wansmaak (Night of Bad Taste) presentented by the one and only Jan ‘Max Rockatansky’ Verheyen as host!
Frank on behalf of topoftheflops.nl
Writing that the BUTFF provides loads of unforgettable memories should be known already but last night I was reminded of this again: during my way back home by train I missed my transfer because I fell asleep after some nice Schelde beers at the festival. When I woke up I was in a train at the railway switchyard but luckily I still managed to get home safely.
So saying when that the 9th edition of the festival was a success should be clear by now.
The chaos of yesterday was luckily cleared just before the opening speech by film festival director Paul. Also the night mayor of Breda expressed his love for the BUT Film Festival and after a short horrorquiz (How many movie monsters can you recognize?) everybody was invited to dance to the tunes of Yes…PinkPink.
After that short performance it was time for the opening movie ‘2013 Menos 1’. After a short intro by head of program Frank the guys of the movie were invited on stage. The movie itself is a great mash-up of all kinds of fantastic genres like hentai, monstermovies, zombies, witches and the crowd loved it!
This second day was a day to recover a bit from the wild opening night filled with films and drinks. But the die-hards are of course already there, guests are arriving and the volunteers are hard at work. Next to a screening of Trent Harris and BUT Award nominee ‘The Miracle of Life’, one of today’s highlights will be De Nacht van de Wansmaak (The Night of Bad Taste) presented by Jan ‘Max Rockatansky’ Verheyen. Frank and I had the honour to guide Jan to the epicenter of the festival and after a short check everybody is ready to enjoy the best of the worst the films have to offer. No doubt, today as well will be an unforgettable day!
Niek on behalf of slashingthrough.com