At this moment more films than in any year before have been submitted. We can promise you a special festival edition. At this point in time we'd like to give you a opportunity to admire all these films with one EARLY BIRD BUTFF Passe-partout TCIKETS, selling at a really economical price. The whole BUTF festival, films, music performances and art admissible with just one ticket.
Facebook featurefilms 2014 photo and short discriptions album
If you're on of those die-hard movie lover! Daytime, nighttime, does not matter, any time is ok for a movie! is five days of movies, music, performances no-challenge? here you go, our best offer!
Passe-partout TICKETS until 15 Augustus include (15,- euro) ) 'de Nacht van de Wansmaak'.
Passe-partout TICKETS after 15 Augustus are exclusive admission to 'de Nacht van de Wansmaak' (night of bad taste).