Screening: Summer Of Blood

Shorts #1: Dracula & the Horrific Tea Parties.
Campo de Fuerza - David Pareja: My Own Private Force Field
Zombirama - Ariel López, Nano Benayón: When Zombies Rule the World (animation)
Horrific - Robert Boocheck: Little Monsters Killing A Redneck
ABC Monsters - Gael Roda: Guess What Monster (Quiz)
Annabelle’s Teaparty - Noomi Spook: Tea party From Hell
Recently In The Woods - Daniel van Westen: Whoever Laughs Last (animation)
Dentes e Garras - Francisco Lacerda: Cardboard Jurassic Park
Kids Love Toys - Prada Brothers: About Toys
Christmas Eve Pet Massacre - Daniel Whidden: Revenge of Pets
Love Automatic - Lee Hardcastle: Ghostbusters meets The Evil Dead (claymation)
Crazy For You - James Moran: Love vs. Polka Dots
The Carriage - Ben Gordon: The Real Dracula
Wawd Ahp - Steve Girard: A Fucked Up Animation